


  • 第一步通过液压设备将波纹管的波形膜片冲压出来,并检查每一片膜片是否符合标准。 然后将检查后的的波纹管膜片进行清洗去污并且烘干以确保材质的洁净。接着将两片膜片的内径进行焊接并进行检查,查看焊接后的焊道是否符合标准。将合格的内径组合叠加在一起后,进行外径的焊接。焊接有多种方式,根据材质和客户要求,可以选择的有TIG, 等离子,以及激光。 成品焊接后,需要进行氦气检漏进行出厂验证。 氦气检漏在整个制造过程中都需要进行。



    The first step of welded bellows’ manufacturing begins with hydraulically stamping strips of metal sheets into diaphragms. Afterwards, all diaphragms would be inspected individually for better welding quality. Then, the inspected diaphragms are cleaned and dried to ensure that the material is free of any dirt. Next, two diaphragms are welded together as inner diameter of welded bellows and would be inspected one by one before outside diameter welding. Once the inner diameter welds are completed, the inspected convolutions are prepared for outside diameter welding by fixed tools. Welding methods are available depending on the manufacturer and material, such as plasma, laser, arc, or electron beam welding. Last but not least, helium test would be applied through out the whole manufacturing.




  • 设计


    根据压力,行程,谈率以及温度,确定波纹管膜片的厚度还有材质。 同时,波纹管的大小以及波纹管膜片形状对于寿命以及准备的谈率是非常重要的。其次,焊接后的形状以及熔深对于波纹管的设计也重要的因素。




    Based on the pressure, stroke length, spring rate and temperature, the thickness and material required to meet the applications’ demands could be determined.

    Meanwhile, the shape and the sizes of the ripples and of the diaphragm are very important to the performance of the bellows assembly. What's more, the ripples need consistency between diaphragms to survive high cycles and create accurate spring rates.

    The weld shape and penetration are critical to edge welded bellows design.


  • 制造能力 


    1. 承接各种材质焊接波纹管: AM350, 304, 316L, Inconel, Hastelloy 等
    2. 内径5mm to 200mm ,外径11mm to 300mm  
    3. 根据客户要求制作各类定制法兰,模具规格。
    4. 膜片厚度范围为0.075mm-0.3mm
    5. 全程氦气检漏以确保漏率。
    6. 具有竞争力的产品价格。


    1. Various materials are available: AM350, 304, 316L, Inconel, Hastelloy, etc.
    2. 5mm to 200mm standard sized ID.11mm to 300mm standard sized OD
    3. On-site manufacturing of flanges, prototype and fixture based on customers' demands.
    4. 0.075mm to 0.2 mm standard diaphragm thickness
    5. Custom end configurations
    6. 100% Helium leak check through out the manufacuring
    7. Competitive price